Your 8‑Week Transformational Life Coach Planner (DOWNLOADFOR PERSONAL USE ONLY)

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The 8‑Week Year Planner #tlcplanner

The 8‑Week Year Plan­ner is the soul com­pan­ion of the 8‑Week Year course.  It is a step-by-step guide to help you reach the Moun­tain Top of your poten­tial pow­er.

There are many pos­si­ble routes to get to your des­ti­na­tion.  I’m going to show you the one with the least amount of effort required, the fastest and most scenic.  This Plan­ner will help you accom­plish more in eight weeks than most will in  twelve months in any area of your life by doing one, just one crit­i­cal task per day.

Sim­i­lar to the online course, this Plan­ner is bro­ken up into 8 weeks.  Each week will help you improve your exe­cu­tion by focus­ing on one crit­i­cal task each day.  If you do one impor­tant task every day, that’s 5 major crit­i­cal tasks done in a week, assum­ing you are work­ing 5 days per week.  In a month, that’s 20 major crit­i­cal tasks and in 8 weeks, that’s at least 40 impor­tant actions com­plet­ed toward your over­all goal.  The results WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!

If we did the things we are capa­ble of doing, we would lit­er­al­ly astound our­selves.” Thomas Jef­fer­son.

Week One

Week Two

Week Three

As pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned, we have bor­rowed and incor­po­rat­ed lessons from var­i­ous beliefs and schools in the area of per­son­al devel­op­ment to help you design and live your dream life.  The dis­ci­plines found in our course and plan­ner have been cus­tomized to fit the indi­vid­ual who is mul­ti-pas­sion­ate (rais­es hand!).

Week’s 4–8

After 8‑weeks, you are free to “rinse and repeat” and choose anoth­er excit­ing goal from your buck­et list of goals for the next 8 weeks.  Let me tell you, liv­ing this way is exhil­a­rat­ing, trans­form­ing, and life-chang­ing.

Imag­ine accom­plish­ing 5–6 major goals per one 12-month cal­en­dar year.  What impact could that have on your life in say, two years? What would life be like for you if you were to accom­plish your most impor­tant goals year in and year out?

Grab your copy now! I thank you in advance from the bot­tom of my heart for pick­ing up this Plan­ner.  I gave it every­thing I have.  I eager­ly invite you to share your jour­ney and results with us on social media by using the hash­tag: #tlc­plan­ner